N4L contacts info
The internal map and it's probably helpful to give you the general distribution of N4L Relationship Managers:
Date of info OCT 4 2024
Essentially within the E&E team we run 2 regions (North and South), each region has a Regional Director, which is handy if you are ever unsure of the specific Relationship Manager you can simply contact the Regional Director (or me).
In the North Region, we have:
Regional Director (North): Graham Flanagan (graham.flanagan@n4l.co.nz)
School Relationship Managers (North):
Marnie Sutherland (marnie.sutherland@n4l.co.nz) - North Shore to Whangarei
Matt Sandilands (matt.sandilands@n4l.co.nz) - Central Auckland, North Hamilton, Coromandel
Jonathan Arthur (jonathan.arthur@n4l.co.nz) - Hamilton, Bay of Plenty (North of Taranaki
Sarah Meek (sarah.meek@n4l.co.nz) - Wellington north-west to Taranaki
Casey Clement (casey.clement@n4l.co.nz) - Upper Hutt to Gisborne
In the South Region, we have:
Regional Director (South): Nige Young (nige.young@n4l.co.nz)
School Relationship Managers (South):
Jaquie Dilger (jaquie.dilger@n4l.co.nz) - Christchurch North, West Coast to Nelson/Marlborough + Dunedin + Chathams
Carrie-Annie Freeman (carrie-anne.freeman@n4l.co.nz) - Christchurch south (excluding Dunedin), including Stewart Island.
There are other members of the E&E team that you may encounter from time to time, including Associate Relationship Managers who provide national and project support. However, for the majority of situations describe, the list above should be the right starting point.
Also, note we are currently looking for an additional Auckland based Relationship Manager to join the team. A job ad is out with recruiters and will be on the N4L website soon.